Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Focus - Alchemy and The Art of Healing

   I have been focusing these many years on finding truth. Praying and channeling all that is to give me answers, asking ‘why’ too many times only to learn that it is all up to me.  One has to go through much, to live and to grow amongst others before coming to understanding of all that which is; and most of us never make it that far.

  Once more I wish to lead you to water and urge you to drink. In order to get into the correct mindset I would like to bring to light the point of view of a true physician, to better the quality of life and to share knowledge where it is meant to be shared. These truths only belong in the hands of those who use knowledge with respect and wisdom.

  I would like to repeat the original oath of the physician, so that those reading what I have deciphered as truth accept it with the mindset in which it is meant to be accepted:

 The Oath of Hippocrates
: (The Oath Hippocrates took under his teacher, Aesclepius. [Translated to English])

  “I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesclepius, and Hygia, Medicina, and Panacea (Health and All-Heal)[or] [God the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit], and all the gods and goddesses [and all the angels and saints], that according to my ability and judgment,
 I will keep the Oath and this stipulation - to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction,
 I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others
 I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
 I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel, and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art,
 I will not cut persons labouring under the Stone, but will leave this to be done by practitioners of this work, into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further, from the seduction of females or males, of freemen or slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional service, or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad,
 I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times. But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot.”

  If the doctors of today were to take the original oath, instead of the exbigated and raped version they call the Hippocratic Oath, this world would be a much healthier and holy place. Instead today we teach ignorance and trickery.
  Know that as I personally have had no teacher but since I have stumbled upon this art through prayer alone I have no predecessors but the one mind we all share, and to it I must keep this oath and stipulation. I wish not to keep my knowledge a secret as I see that what is known by this practice has already been divulged to those who use it without responsibility. Now it can only benefit all of mankind to know the truths that are hidden in order to defend themselves against the improper uses of this practice that already effect them.

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With but little understanding of physics one can comprehend the order of things I am to describe:
  -This, is the question:  A description of light and life based on theory, for those of you with doubt. For those who wish to humble themselves, you will realize that this is the way of things.-

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  We are beings which perceive this world in the third dimension; meaning we exist outside the single point, above the plain that has no depth, and below the realms of whose brilliance we cannot fathom.

  The origins, or structures, that give light to this third dimension are finite in our perception as the substances we know of today as subatomic particles, such as electrons. However, all matter is actually composed of invisible energy that transmutes and conjugates to become perceivable matter, so that the electron is actually a transmuted dispersion of light we perceive from multiple sources of energy. Therefor the substance that is a subatomic particle should no longer be recognized as the epitome of the microcosm, but instead it is the invisible pulses of energy that bring about the existence of said particles. [This includes gauge bosons and particles of even further magnification under the microscope.] We perceive only what gives light in a specific range of frequencies that causes this void of understanding that is in the invisible.

  Invisible energy emitted in all different frequencies from the sun, stars, earth, air, water, and even from ourselves come together to create structures we call atoms and molecules. All matter is the result of this invisible energy, and all matter emits this invisible energy. Like a flickering flame pulsing from the nucleus of every atom there is a distinct frequency whose origin is a conjugate structure that is a transmuted acoustic creation from its surrounding influences. This modern science has only seen a piece of, and has derived the foundation of their logic to the functions of the subatomic particles without addition of the unseen variables that is the real foundation. Many cultures have envisioned this invisible energy conjugation and have called it a chakra; a wheel of flame. This is exactly what an atom is, yet we can only witness a portion of the energy that is in movement within it.

  An atom is a single conjugation of many sources of invisible energy, and a molecule is a group of conjugations that share similar sources.

   Three sources of this energy bring about existence, more adds depth, aspects we call time and space. The observed universe is also reported to be the result of a collision of invisible energy that has fizzled down, or resonated back and forth off of itself until it conjugates into what we perceive as matter. So it is that all things in existence are affected by all that exists, that we do truly exist in harmony as the musical term defines.

An exerpt from Norse Mythology's Poetic Edda goes as such:
Alvíssmál 20
It is named 'wind' with the Humans.
But 'waverer' with [the Æsir] the gods.
[The Vanir] the enchanting-rulers call it 'neigher' [making sounds like a horse].
The Jötnar 'shrieker' [during deadly arctic storms].
The Álfar 'whistler'.
In Hel, [the dead] call it 'squall' [a sharp increase in wind speed before a rain].
In Norse Mythology the main pathways of this energy make up the trunk and branches of the world tree known as Yggdrasil and its many realms.

This foundation of energy has many other names as well, including: aetheric wind, dark energy, electromagnetic plasma, the holy spirit, prana, ki, the word of God, reiki, and many more. It is omnipresent and sustains all that exists.

My theory here is entirely religious, a Creator God type. -(again, sorry to disappoint the atheist) - From this one source there goes forth everything needed to sustain everything else. All that exists is constantly being filled from this source and all that exists transmutes this energy into various frequencies sending the energy out again. Ultimately all things return back to the source and it causes an infinite loop.

Understanding of this invisible energy brings a different understanding of sciences and health entirely. (Nothing is ever stagnant. All we see are signs. The human body is but a cup and its actions it carries out are in ordinance with the waters that fill it.) Weird things we thought were foolish actually have a purpose, like crystal energy, the laying on of hands, certain magics, and shamanic practices. Just because we can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Effects of these things operate on levels that are not entirely within our level of perception. When you use wireless devices do you deem that there are literally electrons flying straight out from them? There's no conductive material that connects laptops to networks or phones to towers, in fact they're separated by insulated material, so we're not going to find a perceivable connection of electricity completing circuits. There's just pulses of energy in specific frequencies. We catch and send them with transformer coils, transmuting computer code into various air wave frequencies then transmuting them back with alternating current. We can interpret their strength and their message but we'll never see these "waves".

We call them waves because that's how we interpret them on a graph, but they're simply the vibrations felt by the power of invisible energy. Like a bonfire that flickers and is drawn into the currents of the wind so too does the signal emitted from a wireless device (and all things) flicker in and out and connect to others. (We're not starting fires with our cell phones because these frequencies lack potential and don't harmonize in that way. The specific frequencies emitted are everything in how a substance relates to the world around it. Since these frequencies vibrate forth to create the perceived periodic table of elements, chemistry as we know it is therefor a result of these specific vibrations. Everything is relative, however there are many constants being sustained that make us take many laws of physics and nature for granted.)

I have a better grasp on this concept after testing Royal Raymond Rife's resonant frequency therapy.
(Which applies the method of vibrating cellular structure of viruses to destabilize their structure. Exactly how a singer can break a crystal glass at a certain pitch.) I noticed all matter has a resonance of particular frequencies. This is why it is important to watch what you eat and to be conscious of the influences you choose to consume. Crystal energy and the act of 'laying on of hands' work in this way. Crystals' low frequencies harmonize with the body and the laying on of hands allows for a way to transfer influence of oneself onto another. The human aura and all that jazz, real things. Invisible influences, yet very real.

Another source for verifying and witnessing this invisible power of resonance is a science known as cymatics.(ex:

Everything comes down to the specific vibrations of this particular energy. This is the energy that resonates in and out of our perceived elements. Which is why I refer to elements as chakras. They are the hosts to this invisible energy. Chakras/hosts/churches/cups - all the same thing.

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The following concepts reflect the existence of this invisible energy in the molecular structure of our bodies.

   Collagen is a rainbow like protein strand the body uses to build its foundation, both physical and mental. This is the molecule that makes up our bones. The distance and spacing between its many braided loops changes its output frequencies, and everyone’s is different. The first crystallized molecule of collagen occurs when the umbilical cord is cut. The resonance of that first crystallized piece resonates toward all others that follow (along with environmental influences throughout your life) and it defines you. It is shaped by all the invisible energy influences that surround you at the moment of your birth. The arrangement of planets and the stars (Astrology) truly does determine who you are. Knowing this truth should help us realize why while living in a blanket of technologically produced electromagnetic frequencies, we have so many birth defects and other health problems.

  This foundation is often not permanent, but built up and broken down on a regular basis. Its frequency is determined when crystallized; whenever your body rebuilds bone tissue. It is determined by whatever you choose to surround yourself with, and since the human body can transmute electromagnetic frequency, we can manifest within our own foundation. We have the ability to change who we are and make choices. In this same way we can influence others.

  As collagen forms our foundation, our DNA determines our current state. With its malleable shape it can stretch and match any frequency of any pulsed magnetic field that resides within the same capacitance of the strand itself (blood stream and cell interiors); it reflects and controls our current health and emotion.

  DNA strands are like tiny little magnets that read and size themselves to certain wavelengths with their main source of influence being the beating of the heart. The seven different layers of muscle tissue in the human heart allow for a plethora of different possibilities. When DNA then matches up with RNA they perform specific duties that are determined by their current shape. Like a bar-code the DNA carries orders within the electromagnetic current of the human body. (This concept debunks theories of junk DNA.)

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   The electromagnetic effects of positive and negative energy are reflected in our body through electron direction in terms of grounding.

  This invisible energy grounds out in our bodies on a regular basis. Consumption of food, in conjunction with our respiratory and circulatory system, is one way of introducing materials which current is then grounded towards instead of the solid crystal structure of our bodies. This is why it is important to watch what you eat. Toxins in food are materials that prevent that grounding from happening or even produce their own harmful frequency and create reverse current again to resonate within us and are not grounded (and even pull into us harmful ambient energy); making us become what we eat and even give us allergy like symptoms. With that knowledge that leaves little to no foods that are not toxins. Consumption of most things is more of an addiction than a necessity, as these things that are toxins are harmful and leave us feeling hungry anyway. When current is not released from the body and allowed to ground out inside it, it breaks down tissue. It resonates within us and then conjugates allowing for separation of atoms from molecules (breaking down crystal structure). This is the cause of bone decay.

  In order to maintain our bodies the way they are we must stay grounded and keep negative energy from building up within us; whether it be from foods, or contact grounding to the earth, air, or whatever other source that could draw current from the body. These grounding sources also resonate their influences so it is important to choose sources that are organic and whose frequencies harmonize correctly with the body.

  Breathing is the most necessary function our bodies carry out. We intake single atoms like oxygen and nitrogen, in order to bond them to structures which empower our cells and build up our tissue. This bonding produces heat, which is electromagnetic waves being carried into then out and away from our bodies. This is why without breath we break down fast, get cold, and die.

   When we are grounded (current traveling into and away from our bodies) we are strong; our structures are built up and who we are (what is coded in the foundation of bone structure) flows through our veins. The layers of tissue that make up our bodies gives us capacitance, but that energy filling us must always have a purpose or a source. If it has no source then it is grounded within us and breaks us down, degrading our tissue.

  The sun, our main source of energy, the largest electromagnetic source for all that is on Earth, flows into us regardless of whether or not we ask it to. It is necessary to have a focus for that energy, to use it, to ground it. There are also many other ambient environmental energy sources that our bodies are exposed to on a constant basis that we must ground out.

  This energy is never stagnant, and it can be scary to think of how responsible you must be with it. If energy of frequencies that do not harmonize with our bodies is not grounded out, or transmuted and put to use, it resonates acoustically through our body and 'fizzles' down into matter, becoming viruses, cancers, germs, and free radicals of other sorts. Although, through proper meditation, and with the correct mindset and spiritual atonement, one can achieve a cyclical movement of energy around oneself providing all the grounding work necessary. This is a use of transmutation used by alchemists. When in harmony with the heavens one does not require worldly influence in order to remain properly sustained.

   In other words, it is absolutely crucial for the health of your body and your soul to stay grounded. You must have a focus to output energy. It can be an energy of any frequency, since our bodies have that uncanny ability to transmute this invisible energy. Abstain from all that is deleterious. Whether it is in your actions or your words, your thoughts or your prayers, stay grounded. Humble yourself, align with the harmony of all that exists, and put yourself to good use. With a reason to live you have no reason to die. Since the frequencies we output go out to shape the world we live in, it behooves us to only do and say things in frequencies that harmonize with our bodies and make us healthy. What we output resonates in others and will come back to yourself one day. This all has been relative to how karma works. Knowing this concept brings new meaning to what is a sin and offers much instruction on how to live ones life.

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-This process which gives us energy and life is the question that God and all the universe asks us. What we do with this energy and the action we take in our lives is up to us, and that is our answer to this question-

   We are fractal, if we choose to be. We have consciousness. We are all transmuters of invisible energy that is the foundation of reality, and this energy carries on to conjugate where we direct it. What we manifest in life is our purpose. So make it a good one, for all mankind. Be helpful, be entertaining, be all that you can, and if you keep determined you will stay grounded. Remain idle and you will suffer. So, flow with the current and harden not your heart, but your bone. Constantly be laying on the brick and mortar of your foundation. A purpose driven life not only brings fulfillment, but an immaculate one can reverse the process of aging. I'm sure you've heard before of older people continuing to do work because it keeps them young; you probably thought that was just an old wives' tale, until now.

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  As to the Art of this practice, there are many forms: (Reiki and Chiropractic the newest forms since the late 1800's) Massage, Meditation, Acupuncture, Alchemy, Prayer, the sacraments and practices of many religions, and all things spiritual invoke this unseen energy. (In truth all medicine and advertising, speaking and any activity whatsoever utilizes this science of truth in someway since it does indeed encompass all things.) These ancient practices are only meaningful if you disregard the doubts of modern sciences and understand again why they work. Awareness and belief in this unseen energy being the foundation of our Earth is the first step everyone needs to take. Righteous paths like these are all a way of harmonizing (atonement) and healing oneself using the tool of conscious choice and will power. To omit the belief of this unseen energy is to make the conscious decision of not letting it enter into your life, thus severing the endless loop and causing yourself to suffer. Yet, even with the belief there are still deleterious ways this energy is utilized.

  Modern medicine evokes this human ability to transmute frequency. Yet the reason modern medicines have so many side effects is because we use toxins to administer to the sick. With the idea that like cleanses like. If the body has immunity to a certain disease then a drug is given to induce known symptoms that the body already has a prescribed method of  fighting off and in turn produces a positive reaction with the new disease. The flare up of symptoms causes a wide range of neutralizing frequencies and causes the body to heal itself regardless or not of its immune system being able to recognize the new disease as a threat worthy of such a reaction. The immune system learns nothing and we continue to rely on the medicine as our remedy. That is all that is accomplished in modern medicine; it's an art of trickery that treats only symptoms and not the cause. Why is it that modern medicine does not know how to give the body specific immunities? It leaves the only hope for those who do not wish to take medicine theorizing that if they expose themselves to something frequently they can willfully build up a tolerance for it, but it's a lot easier than that.

  An immunity really just is the body being readily prepared to neutralize specific environmental toxins. This can be reflected in someone having a tolerance for lactose milk or someone not being able to smell their own gas, and even someone who walks through a field of ragweed without a sniffle. They are all the same thing: immunities. They are situational, not permanent, and everyone can willfully acquire any immunity necessary as long as they follow the the following arts. Allergies, disease, feelings of depression, and all that is a weight of the world need not effect you any more as long as you atone and harmonize with all that is.

  There are a few methods of insuring our bodies properly ground out harmful frequencies and maintain immunities. We can simply have a whole food plant based diet. Staying rich with vitamins, minerals and staying void of harmful pesticides and preservatives, and all other deleterious frequencies, is our best bet at never suffering from disease or allergic reactions ever again, but this is impossible to do. Luckily, there are other ways than choice in consumption that work to remedy our ailments. Our entire environment contributes to our health and is just as big of an impact on us as the food we eat. I refer now to ancient practices which were no doubt taught by Aesclepius the healer himself.

  There is a process of bio-field (aura) grounding which applies connection of the body with organic materials like crystals and stone. This shamanic practice is made possible thanks to the effects of precious and non-precious metals and the frequencies that reside in crystal formation. The matrix of metal, stone, and organic material used is merely a way of increasing current, grounding out harmful frequencies, and cleansing the body with pure frequencies from organic matter. It causes an endless loop of transmuting energy so that harmful frequencies do not 'fizzle' in the body. One does not need a physical application of these artifacts to allow them to live a fulfilled life. But they can still have a profound effect on the body and because of the vast number of toxins in today's world it may be necessary to administer them. They are basically recreations of the structure that makes up fertile soil yet they offer more potential. (More can be learned from researching Wilhelm Reich’s work on Orgone Energy.

  Shamans and medicine men have been using plant based salves and crystals for their medicines for so many years that we cannot account to it any documented origin. Even today such people exist and continue these practices. Why would such a thing continue if the practices didn't work?

  Our bodies can be cleansed of harmful frequencies through the very device that serves as the symbol of modern medicine today. The Rod of Aesclepius. (Not to be confused with the Rod of Hermes.) A single brazen coil wrapped around a stick of pine (wrapped with short diameter at the bottom to a long diameter at top), coated in beeswax, allows for the give and take of electrons in and out, taking away and transmuting bad frequencies and allowing the body to reabsorb healthy frequencies instead. This is known as Nehushtan in the bible, the brazen serpent Moses erected in the desert. [Brass being a combination of precious and non precious metals allows for give and take of current from organics, coating the wood and coil in beeswax provides an inhibiting crystalline structure that transmutes frequency at any given point, the coil itself gradually increases in radius from low to high and transmutes frequency from high to low, and the pine wood pole gives an organic foundation whose specific matrix structure cannot be recreated by the hands of man.] Using this rod requires the pole be grounded to the Earth and pointed upwards to the heavens. You could either be near it or touch it to benefit from its cleansing effect. High potential coils like this would cause a spark when touching the low frequency top end, temporarily discharging the potential built up. This is why the stories of Aesclepius the healer attested people to be licked by a snake that he had wrapped around a pole. The process simply works through transmutation of invisible energy which reigns down from the heavens everywhere and at all times. This same energy brings existence to all things and this same transmutation process is happening on a molecular scale in all protein strands.

  Use of this practice has been such utilized in ways that can and do cause harm, and is very much present in our modern day culture. People have found ways of increasing the potential of this endless knot of energy and raise its potential in desired frequencies. Whether they know it or not, the energy generated forces influence upon others. This is the use of multiple coils. This is what has been known as the Caduceus coil, an instrument meant for the enhancement of potential influence, which is why it was often held in the hands of Pharaohs and Caesars. They're own willful influence was carried through the air as they held onto this artifact. This is not a rod for healing though it is used as a symbol for medicine today. This is also similar to the way transformers are manufactured, an ever present menace in our world today. Our modern day electricity functions at 60hertz; this is the window frequency of human emotion. Its frequency matches resonance with elemental iron and serves as an enhancer to all frequencies influencing our body‘s mind and health. Exposure from this influence leaves us to be easily swayed by other environmental influences, including advertisements and a plethora of other instances of control. Even our wireless internet networks that operate inside our homes produce frequencies that match octaves for resonant frequencies of malignant growths in our bodies we call cancer. This double coil is also reflected on a molecular level in our DNA strands, this is what allows coded frequencies to resonate within the capacity of our body and send out their influence, be it in harmony or not.

  There are many other forms of these artifacts, but even without them one can still acquire immunity to all disease by willfully utilizing your own body as an Aesclepius rod. Just simply exposing yourselves more often to sunlight, fresh air, and contact with the fertile ground of the Earth. The more synthetic and toxic the material of our homes, clothing, food, and all the other environmental things we shroud ourselves with, then the more the need to return to nature and replenish ourselves. This is not a 1960's hippie fad suggestion. What surrounds us literally resonates with power, and we should be aware and make the choice to surround ourselves with things that make us healthy instead of kill us slowly.

  To the healer, it makes a world of a difference whether you know these things or not. Anyone who has stumbled upon this information has always been silenced. Through willful ignorance, pride, and greed men have prevented this knowledge from being common. Yet, the truths of this art are present in every religious and spiritual text and they all point towards the same path of enlightenment.

  There have been documented conspiracies one after the other regarding the hidden truths of our world. It was the works of Volta and Tesla who unlocked the secret of the pharaohs for modern use, and since we have been bathed in man-made electromagnetic influence. Although corrupt pharaohs had held the caduceus before, their influence never had as much potential as it does today. It was the intention of Tesla to use this science for the benefit of mankind, to cure all disease, but his work usurped by the federal government and hidden from the public eye. Since Tesla we've had Royal Raymond Rife, Wilhelm Reich, Daniel Winter, Delbert Blair, and countless other names of people that have seen the unseen and were silenced.

  However you swallow the pill, this is the truth. Take part in this dance if you want, or you can pick a corner to sit in until you're diagnosed with restless leg syndrome or fibromyalgia and your cartilage breaks down and you can't stand on your feet anymore and soon enough you're buried 6 feet under. You're gunna’ get the diabetes if you only rely on food alone to live. If your heavenly soul never figures out how to lovingly coexist with its environment it's going to have problems dealing with the lack of what the world has to offer. We have to look up more often and willfully receive grace.

  I firmly believe with my every fiber that the human body is designed to last an eternity if it can be given perfect environmental factors. There is no reason for decay except to enforce dependence on worldly things. In our hearts mankind has always dreamed and expected the demise of broken culture and corrupt society and government. Yet, we must get over our addictions if we intend to live in a golden age. The reality of what is a "governing power" resides in the conscious constants of the angels and demons we align ourselves with. We have to stop surrounding ourselves in filth and take responsibility for all that we create, because all that is deleterious exists as a result of our conscious choice. We must atone. In our acts, our prayers, our thoughts and in our word we have to work to make this world the place we wish it to be.

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